

Jewelry that is redefining classical metal-like elements
into sleek opulence to represent timeless luxury jewelry
that embodies both rich elegance as well when utilized on occasion.

In contrast to traditional pieces of paper, its overall performance is extremely superior. For the reason that paper manufactured from gemstone has no feel, the printer is definitely not tarnished across the paper, paper manufacturing companies along with the handwriting is quite clean, along with the touch can be as easy as velvet, and that is a great encounter!

As a result of characteristics of stone, its books are water-resistant, anti--fixed, contra--moth-eaten, specifically tough, and should not be split aside. You can forget being concerned concerning the nib decreasing through the document or spilling coffee on the notebook.

It's worth noting, however, that stone paper is fully degradable, so that it will automatically embrittle into damaged eggshells under about six months of constant sun rays coverage. But generally there is absolutely no possibility to expose it towards the sunlight for one half a year


Where can natural stone papers be applied? 
The advantages and application scope of stone paper
The main difference between kraft document and rock papers

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